21 Days Information & Affirmation/Commitment Information

The Esther Fast Prayer

Heavenly Father, I am in a battle I cannot win alone. I not only need Your help, I need You to fight this battle for me. Intervene in those areas over which I have no control and protect me from attacks I cannot withstand. Strengthen me to endure the conflict You allow me to face and show me Your way of escape in each situation I encounter. Watch over and protect my family and others who have engaged the enemy with me. Grant us a victory that will bring glory to You and allow for the advancement of Your agenda in the world today. Lord, as I follow Your leading in my life and observe the Esther Fast, show me the things in my life that give the enemy an advantage and hinder You from accomplishing Your purposes. Deliver me from the evil one. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Preparing for the Esther Fast

Aim: The Esther Fast, for protection from the evil one.

Vow: Because I believe God loves me, and can protect me, and that only God controls the day of my death, I pledge to enlist His protection against all opposing forces. I also believe there is an evil one who would attack me and harm me. Therefore, I vow to fast for God’s protection for me and others, that I might serve Him and bring glory to Him.

Fast: What I will withhold: ___________________________
Beginning: Date and time I will start: ______________________
End: Date and time I will stop: _________________________
Decision: Specifically, I am fasting to: ______________________

Bible Basis: “Is this not the fast that I have chosen … the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard” (Isaiah 58:6,8). God being my strength, and grace begin my basis, I commit myself to the above fast for God’s glory.

Signed: ________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________