21 Days Information & Affirmation/Commitment Information
The Daniel Fast Prayer
Heavenly Father, I am beginning to reap in my life the fruit sown during years of neglect and abuse of my body. Like so many of my contemporaries, I would prefer to enjoy good health and a long life. But to achieve this goal, I recognize the need to repent from the way I have been treating the temple of the Holy Spirit and practice better stewardship in caring for the body You have given me. I sense the Daniel Fast may be an important part of that stewardship. Lord, as I follow Your leading in my life and observe the Daniel Fast, begin the process of healing my body and restoring my health. Make me sensitive to what You want to accomplish in my body and accept my body as a living sacrifice to You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Preparing for the Daniel’s Fast
Aim: The Daniel Fast is for health and healing. Specifically, I am fasting to
Vow: I believe God has given me my physical, mental, and emotional nature in which to glorify Him. Therefore, I renew my pledge to honor Him in every area of my life. I believe sickness is a result of our first parents’ sin, and I renew my faith in the daily cleansing from sin available through Christ’s blood. I believe in Jehovah Rapha, that following His principles will give me health and that He can heal sickness. Therefore, I commit myself to God’s healing/health and will fast and pray for it.
Fast: What I will withhold: _________________________
Beginning: Date and time I will start: ______________________
End: Date and time I will stop: _____________________
Bible Basis: “Is this not the fast that I have chosen … your healing shall spring forth speedily” (Isaiah 58:6, 8). Bible Promise: “The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up” (James 5:15).
Signed: ______________________________________
Date: ________________________________________