Join Our Ministries


Anderson United Methodist Church is an exciting place to be! We have ministries and areas of service for every walk of life. You can go directly to a ministry area using the links in the table. Take a look at some of what we have to offer and get involved TODAY! We invite you to become a part of God’s program. Our ministries are designed to reach out to all humankind by serving, sharing, teaching, and witnessing through the giving of time, talents, and gifts.

Christian Education
Provides learning experiences for persons of all ages to become disciples of Jesus Christ and to grow in their faith by teaching and counseling. Incredibles (ages 0-4) Spirit (ages 5-8) Vision (ages 9-12) Image (ages 13-17).
Membership Care

Helps new and current members assimilate into the church family.

Married Couples (“LINKED IN”)

LINKED IN is an acronym for Love! Inspire! Nurture! Kindness! Edify!
Devoted! IN! To seek and understand God’s purpose for us in our marriages. To know that our marriages are not just about us but about God and His plan for His people. To help us understand our roles and responsibilities as husband and wives. To help and encourage married couples in the Lord.

Chairs: Viera & Gwen Roseburgh

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Encourages leaders in the spirit of cheerful giving according to God’s principles.

Worship and Arts

Works with the Senior Pastor and the music leaders in planning all worship experiences. This includes use of scriptures, music, paraments, ushers, acolytes, communion preparation, placement of flowers and special services.


Responsible for greeting and seating guests and in charge of collecting tithes and offerings during worship experiences.

Higher Education / STARS

Connects college and university students with the church; promotes the
United Student Loan and Scholarship Fund; informs students and parents of available funds.

Click here for more

Archives and History

Responsible for the historical records of the church congregation.

Chair Barnett Taylor



Family & Hospitality Ministry

Maintains a comprehensive ministry to assist families in developing practices that foster spiritual growth at home and plans programs at church that nurture faith development in all family members.

Chair Shavon Austin 

Click here for more

Singles Ministry

Strives to meet the needs of those adults who are single by choice or by the circumstance of divorce or death.

Sunday School


YOUT’s (Ages: 9-12) and YOUTH (Ages 13-18)
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL (Ages 35 and up)


Sunday School Ministry Superintendent:
Lashonda Gibson


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