
Evangelism Ministry is a vibrant and essential aspect of our church’s mission to share the love and message of Jesus Christ with the world. Rooted in our faith and guided by the teachings of Scripture, our ministry is dedicated to reaching out to others, inviting them into a relationship with Christ, and nurturing their spiritual growth.

Ministry Chair: Ann Coleman 

Evangelism Ministry

United Methodist Men

United Methodist Men shall be a creative supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and, to seek daily His will.

Our primary purpose is to declare the centrality of Christ in the lives of men and all their relationships.

United Methodist Men President: Chris McInnis

United Methodist Men


United Women in Faith

Helps to fulfill the mission of Christ and the Church and interprets the purpose of the UMW.  Works to build a supportive community among women and helps foster growth in the Christian faith, mission, education, and Christian social involvement.


UMW Purpose:
United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. Our work is inspired by our PURPOSE and turning faith, hope and love into action. Making this statement a living reality is our goal. Commitment to God’s calling, sensitivity to others, openness to new ideas and a heart for mission are all needed to foster the values that are at the core of the PURPOSE.

An Overview of Our Organization’s Focus:
United Methodist Women depends on laywomen who use their God-given gifts to engage in God’s mission in the world. United Methodist Women is committed to developing strong leaders through education and training that equip women with leadership skills. We offer women opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of mission, grow spiritually and have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of women, children and youth. As a member of United Methodist Women, you have the opportunity to serve at the local, district, conference, jurisdiction and national levels. Learn more about that leadership in this handbook. While any woman can join United Methodist Women as a member, United Methodist Women elected leaders must be laywomen who are willing to commit their talents, time, energy and effort to serve God’s mission. Presidents at all levels of the organization must be members of a United Methodist church.

At Anderson we are focused on God’s mission for people in need locally, nationally and globally in our daily walk with God. We demonstration acts of mission which is “Love in Action” through our many outreach projects and activities throughout the year, from our bible studies with local women shelters to our global missions of hope, such as, our global project : Little Dresses for Africa” and all the programs in between for families, women, and children in need. We are proud to partner with the other ministries of Anderson UMC and various communities outreach programs across our local communities and the world to help those in need. Some of the special events and activities that we participate in, sponsor and provide for women and children include: The Lola Smith Academic Scholarship; The Annual Women Day Program; Spiritual Retreats; holiday meals for women shelters; Children’s birthday parties; Christmas Angel Tree for children with Gift Cards distributed to women at the women shelters to purchase gifts for their children; Community Walks/Runs to help find cure s (for Cancer-Sickle Cell-Heart conditions and other chronic conditions).

We also, donate to families in crisis, church food pantry and our Annual Fall Tea to fund our mission programs and scholarship. These are only a few of the many outreach activities and partnerships we are involved to help care for others. We give of our time, money and resources in service to God’s work and purpose for us all.

Join Us Today:
We invite you to join us and become a part of a spiritual journey spreading love and God’s word through mission. We meet every 4th Sunday of each month and provide opportunities for mission work and fellowship year round. 

UWF Chair: Ada Gater


Communications Ministry

Communications Ministry

Informs the Church about various meetings, events, and other concerns affecting the church as a whole.

The Communications Ministry’s mission is to build community through communication by sharing the church’s story with its members and community to move people toward becoming disciples for Christ. The Communications Ministry works to strengthen communications throughout the church, by enhancing the exchange of information between members using the most efficient and effective means available. The Communications Ministry focuses on utilizing and developing internal and external communications resources, to facilitate connecting individuals within the church in order to provide a stronger experience of Christian Community and outreach.The ministry includes the website ministry.

Areas of Service
Email and Text
Mobile App
Social Media
Public Relations

Communications Ministry Chair: Christiana Williams
VideoMinistry@AndersonUMC.org / andersonumcvideo@gmail.com 

Status & Role of Women

Status and Role of Women Ministry

The Status and Role of Women Ministry ensures the full participation of women with equal responsibilities in the local church.

Status and Role of Women Ministry Chair:


The Scouting Ministry provides a program for young people that builds desirable qualities of character, trains in the responsibilities of citizenship, and develops personal fitness. Anderson United Methodist Church has had a long history of supporting scouting with both boy scouts and girl scouts being active ministries within the church.


  • Boy Scouts Pack and Troop #518
  • Girl Scout Troop #5022

Scouting Ministry Chair:
Saundra Hill

Liturgical Dance Ministry

The mission of Anderson Dance Ministry is to equip individuals to understand worship and God’s purpose through dance and self-expression. The Mime Ministry is an exciting new component of the Dance Ministry. It will help usher in the spirit of praise and worship to prepare the hearts and minds of the congregation for the Holy Spirit to connect us to Him.

To learn more about this ministry, please contact the following chairs and Dance Leaders:

Dance Ministry Leader: Tiffany Jefferson

For more information on how you can get involved call the church office 601.982.3997 

Youth Dance & Mime Ministry on Palm Sunday

Music Ministry

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry is vital to the life of the church. It is one way we connect with God and each other. When God’s people praise Him, it moves God to move on our behalf! It also brings the body of Christ together on one accord. The choir is also a natural “cell group” and we support other members in our faith journey.


The Music Ministry Leader:
Sondra Bell, Minister of Music

Music Ministry 

Leisure (sports)

Leisure Ministry

“Serving and Worshiping a Great GOD (SWAGG) Through Leisure Activities”

Purpose: It is the purpose of the Leisure Ministry to oversee all activities that promote fun and physical fitness for the church family. while increasing faith and love for one another through the fellowship of Christian athletes.

Ministry Chair: Edward & Valerie Grace

Leisure Ministry

Witness Ministries

Nurture Ministries

Outreach Ministries

Worship Ministries



The Missions Ministry involves all members of the local church in spreading the message of Jesus Christ to the world through witness and services, such as the Food Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, the Stewpot donation of $300 from the United Methodist Women for the Flowers House for Battered Women & Children, etc.

Mission Ministry Chair:

Health & Wellness

The Health and Wellness Ministry is an outreach ministry designed to inform and educate the church (AUMC) family on important health issues.

Our mission is to educate & engage church members in health-related activities so that we can promote healthy lifestyles among our community of faith.

We purposely focus on the whole human being (spiritual, mental, and physical health/wellness).

Fellowship among other Christians who have a common interest in general health and fitness.

I Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Kendrick & April Bankhead

Cancer Support Group

Cancer Support Group provides help and inspire hope to those affected by cancer through early detection, education, and support services.

Prison Ministry

Prison Ministry

“Helping Break Spiritual Chains With God’s Love”

Matthew 25:36 “I was in Prison and you visited me.”

The Prison Ministry has joined the movement to restore hope, rebuild relationships, and purpose through Christ.  They work with other Prison Ministry programs throughout the community to share salvation with individuals who are incarcerated, who were incarcerated, and or their families. The Ministry also looks to extend service to the victims as well.

Prison Ministry Chair:

Status & Role of Women

Status and Role of Women Ministry

The Status and Role of Women Ministry ensures the full participation of women with equal responsibilities in the local church.

Status and Role of Women Ministry Chair:


The Scouting Ministry provides a program for young people that builds desirable qualities of character, trains in the responsibilities of citizenship, and develops personal fitness. Anderson United Methodist Church has had a long history of supporting scouting with both boy scouts and girl scouts being active ministries within the church.


  • Boy Scouts Pack and Troop #518
  • Girl Scout Troop #5022

Scouting Ministry Chair:
Saundra Hill

Liturgical Dance Ministry

The mission of Anderson Dance Ministry is to equip individuals to understand worship and God’s purpose through dance and self-expression. The Mime Ministry is an exciting new component of the Dance Ministry. It will help usher in the spirit of praise and worship to prepare the hearts and minds of the congregation for the Holy Spirit to connect us to Him.

To learn more about this ministry, please contact the following chairs and Dance Leaders:

Dance Ministry Leader: Tiffany Jefferson

For more information on how you can get involved call the church office 601.982.3997 

Youth Dance & Mime Ministry on Palm Sunday

Music Ministry

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry is vital to the life of the church. It is one way we connect with God and each other. When God’s people praise Him, it moves God to move on our behalf! It also brings the body of Christ together on one accord. The choir is also a natural “cell group” and we support other members in our faith journey.

Sanctuary Choir is comprised of individuals age 13 and older. Choir sings each Sunday at all services and at church and community events as requested.* Rehearsals held 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m., and as needed for special events. Rehearsals are suspended for one month during the summer to allow the choir and their voices a time of rest. However, the choir continues to provide music for the worship services each Sunday during this month.

* Exception is the 10:10 service on 4th Sundays, Youth Choir.
Youth Choir is comprised of individuals age 5 to 18, or younger at the discretion of the Youth director. Choir sings each 4th Sunday at 10:10 a.m. and at church and community events as requested. Rehearsals are held Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. and as needed for special events.

Male Chorus is comprised of males. There is no age limit for this choir. Choir sings each 5th Sunday at all services and at church and community events as requested. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday at 7 p.m. and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. prior to each 5th Sunday.

Bible Study Praise Team sings for bible study, only. There is no age limit for this team. Rehearsals are held prior to bible study at 6 p.m. in preparation for 6:30 p.m. Bible study.

Ensemble Music this orchestra of musicians plays on special occasions. To learn more about this ministry contact Dr. Russel Thomas at russell.thomas@jsums.edu.

Gospazz Instrumental is an Instrumental group that performs at VA and Cottage Grove nursing homes each 2nd and 4th Sundays, and at church and community events as requested.

The Music Ministry Leader:
Sondra Bell, Minister of Music

Leisure (sports)

Leisure Ministry

“Serving and Worshiping a Great GOD (SWAGG) Through Leisure Activities”

Purpose: It is the purpose of the Leisure Ministry to oversee all activities that promote fun and physical fitness for the church family. The Leisure Ministry consists of:

  • Aerobics – Ada Gator
  • Bowling – George Brown
  • Golf – Robert Montgomery
  • Karate – Robert Cook
  • Modeling – Berlinda Johnson
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Softball

The Leisure Ministry (Sports) increases faith and love for one another through the fellowship of Christian athletes.



Worship Ministry

Worship Ministry

Works with the Pastor and the music leaders in planning all worship services.  This includes use of scriptures, music, paraments, ushers, acolytes, communion preparation, placement of flowers and special services.

Set the tone for movement into worship and prayer and provide pertinent information to the congregation.

To learn more about this ministry, please contact the Church office at (601) 982-3997.

Chair: Gloria May

Music Ministry

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry is vital to the life of the church. It is one way we connect with God and each other. When God’s people praise Him, it moves God to move on our behalf! It also brings the body of Christ together on one accord. The choir is also a natural “cell group” and we support other members in our faith journey.

Sanctuary Choir is comprised of individuals age 13 and older. Choir sings each Sunday at all services and at church and community events as requested.* Rehearsals held 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m., and as needed for special events. Rehearsals are suspended for one month during the summer to allow the choir and their voices a time of rest. However, the choir continues to provide music for the worship services each Sunday during this month.

* Exception is the 10:10 service on 4th Sundays, Youth Choir.
Youth Choir is comprised of individuals age 5 to 18, or younger at the discretion of the Youth director. Choir sings each 4th Sunday at 10:10 a.m. and at church and community events as requested. Rehearsals are held Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. and as needed for special events.

Male Chorus is comprised of males. There is no age limit for this choir. Choir sings each 5th Sunday at all services and at church and community events as requested. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday at 7 p.m. and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. prior to each 5th Sunday.

Bible Study Praise Team sings for bible study, only. There is no age limit for this team. Rehearsals are held prior to bible study at 6 p.m. in preparation for 6:30 p.m. Bible study.

Ensemble Music this orchestra of musicians plays on special occasions. To learn more about this ministry contact Dr. Russel Thomas at russell.thomas@jsums.edu.

Gospazz Instrumental is an Instrumental group that performs at VA and Cottage Grove nursing homes each 2nd and 4th Sundays, and at church and community events as requested.

The Music Ministry Leader:
Sondra Bell, Minister of Music

Liturgical Dance Ministry

The mission of Anderson Dance Ministry is to equip individuals to understand worship and God’s purpose through dance and self-expression. The Mime Ministry is an exciting new component of the Dance Ministry. It will help usher in the spirit of praise and worship to prepare the hearts and minds of the congregation for the Holy Spirit to connect us to Him.

To learn more about this ministry, please contact the following chairs and Dance Leaders:

Dance Ministry Leader: Tiffany Jefferson

For more information on how you can get involved call the church office 601.982.3997 

Youth Dance & Mime Ministry on Palm Sunday

Usher Ministry

Seat the worshipers and coordinate the movement of worshipers in and out of the Sanctuary. The ushers are in charge of collecting tithes and offering during services.

Usher Ministry Chair: Sharrie Baker

Greeters Ministry

Greeters Ministry

The Greeters Ministry will be Anderson’s welcoming team responsible for providing hospitality to members and visitors.

Communion Stewards

Communion Stewards

The Communion Stewards served the elements for Holy Communion during the worship services. Communion Stewards prepare the (bread and juice) for the congregation to participate in Holy Communion. Stewards prepare the altar, as needed before communion services. In addition to setting up for communion, stewards also clean up after communion is served at the 11:30 a.m. service. Stewards can assist with set-up or clean-up, as they choose.

Communion Stewards Leader:
Mary Samuel

Drama Ministry

Drama Ministry

For people of all ages we need actors, actresses, narrators, make-up artists, and costume artists. We will participate in seasonal productions as well as occasional skits. A component of the Drama Ministry will be the Spoken Word Ministry. — Jesus often used verbal illustrations, parables and stories that had a dramatic effect upon the listeners.

Dramatic readings, plays, illustrations and story telling will be an exciting new way to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

To learn more about this exciting new ministry at Anderson, please contact the Chairperson of the of Worship Arts Ministry.

Drama Ministry Leader:
LaShunna McInnis & Kashelia Harrion